Pain explained

18 April 2021


What is pain?

Feeling pain is an unpleasant – but essential – part of everyone’s life. In fact, we actually NEED to feel pain in our body!  It is the body’s “surveillance system” that tells us that we are doing something our body and brain feels could be causing us harm.

Unfortunately there are many times that our bodies have pain and this very surveillance system becomes challenged. In these instances we often experience pain we find hard to control, do not understand, or the pain lasts for longer than we expected. In these circumstances pain can have many negative effects on your life and living with this essential aspect of life, can be difficult.

Despite these challenges, there are many things you can do to improve the way the “surveillance system” works, and Rehab 4U can help you with this.

Understandably, pain has a very bad reputation as a horrible feeling that nobody wants to experience.  But pain is NOT as simple as pain = your injury, or a damaged part of your body. Instead it is a very complex phenomena that even has the experts in neurobiology and pain science working hard to understand it!

Put simply:
“Pain is an individual living experience that tells our body, mind and soul, that our body feels something we are doing could be causing us harm”

Where is my pain coming from?

Although it may not feel it, the level of pain you are experiencing right now, is not solely due to a problem in your painful area. It is also most certainly not, just in your head!  The pain you are experiencing right now is a very complex “living experience“ that has many factors that are influencing it, and the impact it is having on you.

Where your pain is on your body, how it has come about, past pain experiences, your pain beliefs and your current health and wellbeing, are just a few of the factors that are making your pain what it is.

What is Chronic Pain Management?

Having a significant chronic pain for a long time can be a very limiting and disabling feeling. It can affect many aspects of your life and in a way that only you experience.

Rehab 4U understands this and has designed a specific chronic pain management program that helps you find ways to reduce your pain experience and improve your quality of life.

Chronic Pain Management aims at improving your pain experience by

  • exploring your pain history and
  • providing you with physical and mental techniques that can change the way you experience pain

With our help you can learn to look at pain as a normal aspect of life, look at pain in a more positive way and change your experience of pain for the better. NOW, and into the FUTURE.

Contact our team today to enquire about our pain management services.


Treatments and Interventions

Developing your Rehab Plan

When developing your rehab plan, your clinician will discuss with you any relevant treatment techniques you, or they, feel you could benefit from.
The clinician will also make you aware of the evidence base for that treatment and make a plan with you to monitor treatment progress

At Rehab 4U we have a wide variety of treatment techniques and Interventions we use to get your pain under control and provide you with a comprehensive rehabilitation service.

Need More Information?

Contact us for more information about our Treatments or Techniques

Treatments Overview
  • Person Centred Pain Education and Management
  • Functional Movement, Strength and Conditioning
  • Orthopaedic Rehabilitation
  • Inflammation Management Strategies
  • Manual Therapy
  • Massage
  • Spinal Manipulation and Mobilisation
  • Manipulation and Mobilisation of Joints
  • Dry needling
  • Taping (flexible and rigid)
  • Ergonomic assessments
  • Pre-sport Screening
  • Gait assessment

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